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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 6, pp. 1923-2299

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Tree Data Structures for N-Body Simulation

Richard J. Anderson

pp. 1923-1940

The Power of Vacillation in Language Learning

John Case

pp. 1941-1969

An Associative Block Design ABD(8,5)

A. E. Brouwer

pp. 1970-1971

On the Robustness of Functional Equations

Ronitt Rubinfeld

pp. 1972-1997

New Results on the Old k-opt Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem

Barun Chandra, Howard Karloff, and Craig Tovey

pp. 1998-2029

Parallel Complexity of Numerically Accurate Linear System Solvers

Mauro Leoncini, Giovanni Manzini, and Luciano Margara

pp. 2030-2058

Approximate Complex Polynomial Evaluation in Near Constant Work Per Point

John H. Reif

pp. 2059-2089

Optimal Search in Trees

Yosi Ben-Asher, Eitan Farchi, and Ilan Newman

pp. 2090-2102

Weak Random Sources, Hitting Sets, and BPP Simulations

Alexander E. Andreev, Andrea E. F. Clementi, José D. P. Rolim, and Luca Trevisan

pp. 2103-2116

Dominators in Linear Time

Stephen Alstrup, Dov Harel, Peter W. Lauridsen, and Mikkel Thorup

pp. 2117-2132

Approximating Capacitated Routing and Delivery Problems

Prasad Chalasani and Rajeev Motwani

pp. 2133-2149

On Floor-Plan of Plane Graphs

Xin He

pp. 2150-2167

Horn Extensions of a Partially Defined Boolean Function

Kazuhisa Makino, Ken-ichi Hatanaka, and Toshihide Ibaraki

pp. 2168-2186

Fast Approximate Graph Partitioning Algorithms

Guy Even, Joseph (Seffi) Naor, Satish Rao, and Baruch Schieber

pp. 2187-2214

An Optimal Algorithm for Euclidean Shortest Paths in the Plane

John Hershberger and Subhash Suri

pp. 2215-2256

Tight Lower Bounds for st-Connectivity on the NNJAG Model

Jeff Edmonds, Chung Keung Poon, and Dimitris Achlioptas

pp. 2257-2284

Computing Two-Dimensional Integer Hulls

Warwick Harvey

pp. 2285-2299